Regular Session - July 9, 2012 - Revised
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2012-07-09 13:00:00
2012-07-09 13:00:00
Regular Session - July 9, 2012 - Revised
ARIZONA STATE BOARD FOR CHARTER SCHOOLS The Board's new office is located in the State Land Department building at 1616 West Adams Street, Suite 170 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Easy Access to open parking behind the building on the east and west sides of 16th Avenue, south of Van Buren Monday, July 9, 2012 Regular Session 1:00 P.M. NOTICE AND AGENDA- REVISED A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Moment of Silence C. Roll Call D. Call to the Public E. Superintendent’s Report – Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education F. Executive Director’s Report – Introduction to the agenda items—Discussion and possible action: 1. Status of charters with previous and/or on-going board actions: E.Q. Scholars, Inc., El Centro For the Study of Primary and Secondary Education, Legacy Schools, Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc., StarShine Academy, TAG Elementary, Inc., Visions Unlimited Academy, Inc.2. Application Update G. Consent Agenda- All items on this agenda will be considered by a single motion with no discussion, unless requested otherwise by a board member. 1. Consideration to approve charter holder amendment requests. a. EAGLE College Prep II, Inc. –Adding Grade Levelsb. Edkey, Inc. – Redwood Academy –Change in Charter Holder Statusc. Edu-Prize, Inc. –Change in Charter Holder Statusd. Foothills Academy –Change in the Program of Instructione. Open Doors Community School, Inc. - Procurement Laws and USFRCS Exceptionsf. Park View School, Inc. – Change in Instructional Days and Charter Missiong. Portable Practical Educational Preparation, Inc. (Entity 87405)– Change in Program of Instruction and Charter Missionh. Sage Academy, Inc. – Procurement Laws Exceptioni. Salt River Pima-Maricopa Community Schools – USFRCS Exceptionj. Ventana Academy, A Challenge Foundation Academy – Change in Charter Holder Status 2. Consideration to approve the request for charter renewal and grant a renewal contract to Edkey, Inc. – Pathfinder Academy. H. Charter Replication Application – Discussion and possible action on the replication application and request for a charter submitted by Franklin Phonetic Primary School, Inc. for the operation of Franklin Phonetic Primary School-Sunnyslope. I. Charter Renewal Application – Discussion and possible action on the renewal applications for the following:1. Edkey, Inc. – Sequoia Ranch School 2. Mexicayotl Academy, Inc. 3. P.L.C. Charter Schools 4. Vision Charter School, Inc. J. Charter Amendment – Discussion and possible action 1. Park View School, Inc. –Adding Grade Level 2. Skyline Schools, Inc. – Adding Grade Levels 3. South Phoenix Academy, Inc. –Increase in Enrollment Cap 4. South Valley Academy, Inc. – Increase in Enrollment Cap *K. Compliance Matters – The Board will receive information to determine whether evidence exists that Founding Fathers Academies, Inc. is in breach of one or more provisions of their charter contract, federal, state, or local laws regarding their failure to timely submit a Performance Management Plan, failure to provide a learning environment that improves pupil achievement, and failure to comply with state and federal laws relating to the education of students with disabilities. If the Board determines that a breach may have occurred, the Board may take action as it deems appropriate or necessary under state law, which may include withholding of up to 10% of the monthly apportionment of state aid and requiring a corrective action plan pursuant to A.R.S. §15-185(H) and/or issuing a notice of intent to revoke the charter pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(I). L. Surrender Agreement – Discussion and possible action on the Consent Agreement for the Voluntary Surrender and Termination of the Charter Contract for the following: 1. Advanced Education Services, Inc. 2. Opportunities for Youth, Inc. *M. Settlement Agreement- Discussion and possible action on the proposed Settlement Agreement for the following: 1. Visions Unlimited Academy, Inc. – Case No. 12F-RV-002-BCS 2. El Centro for the Study of Primary and Secondary Education, Inc. - Case No. 12F-RV-003-BCS Part 1 and Part 23. Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc. - Case No. 12F-RV-004-BCS N. Board Comments and Future Meeting Dates – The executive director, presiding officer or a member of the Board may present a brief summary of current events pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K) and may discuss future meeting dates and direct staff to place matters on a future agenda. The Board will not discuss or take action on any current event summary. O. Adjournment
Agency Platform - Standard
[email protected]
The Board's new office is located in the State Land Department building at
1616 West Adams Street, Suite 170
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Easy Access to open parking behind the building on the east and west sides of 16th Avenue, south of Van Buren
Monday, July 9, 2012
Regular Session
1:00 P.M.
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Moment of Silence
C. Roll Call
E. Superintendent’s Report – Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education
1. Status of charters with previous and/or on-going board actions: E.Q. Scholars, Inc., El Centro For the Study of Primary and Secondary Education, Legacy Schools, Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc., StarShine Academy, TAG Elementary, Inc., Visions Unlimited Academy, Inc.
2. Application Update
G. Consent Agenda- All items on this agenda will be considered by a single motion with no discussion, unless requested otherwise by a board member.
a. EAGLE College Prep II, Inc. –Adding Grade Levels
b. Edkey, Inc. – Redwood Academy –Change in Charter Holder Status
c. Edu-Prize, Inc. –Change in Charter Holder Status
d. Foothills Academy –Change in the Program of Instruction
e. Open Doors Community School, Inc. - Procurement Laws and USFRCS Exceptions
f. Park View School, Inc. – Change in Instructional Days and Charter Mission
g. Portable Practical Educational Preparation, Inc. (Entity 87405)– Change in Program of Instruction and Charter Mission
h. Sage Academy, Inc. – Procurement Laws Exception
i. Salt River Pima-Maricopa Community Schools – USFRCS Exception
j. Ventana Academy, A Challenge Foundation Academy – Change in Charter Holder Status
2. Consideration to approve the request for charter renewal and grant a renewal contract to Edkey, Inc. – Pathfinder Academy.
H. Charter Replication Application – Discussion and possible action on the replication application and request for a charter submitted by Franklin Phonetic Primary School, Inc. for the operation of Franklin Phonetic Primary School-Sunnyslope.
I. Charter Renewal Application – Discussion and possible action on the renewal applications for the following:
J. Charter Amendment – Discussion and possible action
1. Park View School, Inc. –Adding Grade Level
2. Skyline Schools, Inc. – Adding Grade Levels
3. South Phoenix Academy, Inc. –Increase in Enrollment Cap
4. South Valley Academy, Inc. – Increase in Enrollment Cap
*K. Compliance Matters – The Board will receive information to determine whether evidence exists that Founding Fathers Academies, Inc. is in breach of one or more provisions of their charter contract, federal, state, or local laws regarding their failure to timely submit a Performance Management Plan, failure to provide a learning environment that improves pupil achievement, and failure to comply with state and federal laws relating to the education of students with disabilities.
If the Board determines that a breach may have occurred, the Board may take action as it deems appropriate or necessary under state law, which may include withholding of up to 10% of the monthly apportionment of state aid and requiring a corrective action plan pursuant to A.R.S. §15-185(H) and/or issuing a notice of intent to revoke the charter pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(I).
L. Surrender Agreement – Discussion and possible action on the Consent Agreement for the Voluntary Surrender and Termination of the Charter Contract for the following:
*M. Settlement Agreement- Discussion and possible action on the proposed Settlement Agreement for the following:
2. El Centro for the Study of Primary and Secondary Education, Inc. - Case No. 12F-RV-003-BCS Part 1 and Part 2
N. Board Comments and Future Meeting Dates – The executive director, presiding officer or a member of the Board may present a brief summary of current events pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K) and may discuss future meeting dates and direct staff to place matters on a future agenda. The Board will not discuss or take action on any current event summary.
O. Adjournment