
Compliance Checklists

Board staff has created checklists to assist charter holders in conducting a self check of compliance. Charter holders are advised that these checklists are intended to serve as one tool in maintaining compliance. These checklists and any accompanying guidance should not be considered legal advice. Charter holders should consult their own legal counsel for further information and advice.

Compliance Statement of Assurances

School Website Self-Check

Board Meeting Minutes Checklist



Enrollment Guidance



Fingerprinting Information


Education Service Provider

By September 1 of each year, the Board’s rules require each charter holder to notify the Board as to whether it has an agreement or contract with an education service provider for the current year. Even if a charter holder does not have such an agreement or contract, it is required to submit the form indicating this. For those that have such an arrangement, the rules require the charter holder to provide certain information to the Board. 

Annual Education Service Provider Declaration for FY23

Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on the above link to access the form. It is recommended to "Download" and save the document, and then open the saved document to complete form. If the form is not downloaded, inputted information often does not save, resulting in an incomplete submission. Charter holders are also welcome to print, complete, and scan the form to submit it. 


Mandatory Reporting

The Board’s rules require a charter holder to report to the Board within 10 business days of receipt or occurrence certain items, such as tax liens and default notices, that could indicate there might be some financial stress on the organization. To assist charter holders in complying with the rule’s requirements, the Board has developed a form (see below) that allows the charter holder to easily submit the required information to the Board and has provided answers to frequently asked questions.

Form – Mandatory Reporting Under A.A.C. R7-5-501(C)

Frequently Asked Questions

Please click on the above link to access the form and "Download", save the document, and then open the saved document to complete form.


Website Link to Performance Dashboards

The Board’s rules require each charter school to conspicuously and permanently post a link on its website to the charter school’s academic performance dashboard and the charter holder’s financial and operational performance dashboards on the Board’s website. New schools must conspicuously post the link by September 1 of their first year of operation. To assist schools in complying with this requirement, a file is included below that contains the link to each charter holder’s “Performance” tab in ASBCS Online, and the Board has provided answers to frequently asked questions.

FY 2024 File Containing Website Links

Frequently Asked Questions


Information pertaining to Teacher Compliance and Guidance

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