Regular Session - May 9, 2011
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2011-05-09 13:00:00
2011-05-09 13:00:00
Regular Session - May 9, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011Regular Session1:00 P.M. Executive Tower1700 West Washington StreetPhoenix, Arizona 85007Basement Room 56 Courtesy NoticeNOTICE AND AGENDA A. Pledge of AllegianceB. Moment of SilenceC. Roll CallD. Call to the Public E. Arizona Charter Schools Association Update – Andrew Collins F. Superintendent’s Report – Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education. G. Executive Director’s Report – Introduction to the agenda items—Discussion and possible action: 1. Status of charters with previous and/or on-going board actions: Aprender Tucson, Back-to-Basics School, Camelback Education, Inc., El Centro for the Study of Primary and Secondary Education, Gila Educational Group, Global Education Foundation, Inc., Harvest Power Community Development Group, Inc., Legacy Education Group, Legacy Schools, Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc., Scottsdale Horizons Charter School, US Mental Math Federation Incorp.2. Subcommittee meeting to review FY11 audit documents3. Legislative Update H. Consent Agenda 1. Archway Classical Academy Chandler – Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions2. Archway Classical Academy Litchfield Park –a. Change in the Status of the Charter Holderb. Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions3. Archway Classical Academy Scottsdale – Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions4. Archway Classical Academy Veritas – Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions5. Litchfield Park Preparatory Academy –a. Change in the Status of the Charter Holderb. Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions6. Maricopa County Community College District – on behalf of Teacher Preparation Charter High Schoola. Change in the Status of the Charter Holderb. Change in Missionc. Change in Program of Instruction7. Sierra Vista Charter School, Inc. – Change in number of instructional days.8. Phoenix Collegiate Academy, Inc. – Adding grade levels. I. Strategic Planning – Discussion and possible action on the proposed mission and goals for the Board as developed by the Strategic Planning Team. J. Charter Renewal Application – Discussion and possible action on the renewal application for the following: 1. Acclaim Charter School2. Friendly House, Inc. K. Transfer of Charter Contract – Discussion and possible action on the request to transfer the charter contract for Employ-Ability Unlimited, Inc. from the State Board of Education to the State Board for Charter Schools. L. Charter Amendment - Discussion and possible action on the request for the addition of grade levels to Park View School, Inc. M. Compliance Matters – Discussion and possible action. 1. The Board will receive information to determine whether evidence exists that the US Mental Math Federation Incorp is in breach of one or more provisions of its charter contract, federal, state, or local laws regarding failure to provide the minimum days of instruction pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(E)(9), failing to properly implement the AIMS Test in the Spring of 2010 pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(E)(4), and failing to submit an annual financial audit reporting package for FY 2010 pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(E)(6). If the Board determines that a breach may have occurred, the Board may take action as it deems appropriate or necessary under state law, which may include issuing a notice of intent to revoke the charter pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(I). 2. The Board will receive information to determine whether evidence exists that Global Education Foundation, Inc. is in breach of one or more provisions of its charter contract, federal, state, or local laws regarding failure to follow Classroom Site Fund requirements as outlined in A.R.S. § 15-977. If the Board determines that a breach may have occurred the Board may take action as it deems appropriate or necessary under state law, which may include but is not limited to issuance of a Notice of Intent to Revoke the Charter pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(I). N. Board Comments and Future Meeting Dates O. Adjournment
Agency Platform - Standard
[email protected]
Monday, May 9, 2011
Regular Session
1:00 P.M.
Executive Tower
1700 West Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Basement Room 56
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Moment of Silence
C. Roll Call
F. Superintendent’s Report – Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education. 

1. Status of charters with previous and/or on-going board actions: Aprender Tucson, Back-to-Basics School, Camelback Education, Inc., El Centro for the Study of Primary and Secondary Education, Gila Educational Group, Global Education Foundation, Inc., Harvest Power Community Development Group, Inc., Legacy Education Group, Legacy Schools, Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc., Scottsdale Horizons Charter School, US Mental Math Federation Incorp.
2. Subcommittee meeting to review FY11 audit documents
3. Legislative Update
1. Archway Classical Academy Chandler – Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions
2. Archway Classical Academy Litchfield Park –
b. Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions
3. Archway Classical Academy Scottsdale – Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions
4. Archway Classical Academy Veritas – Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions
5. Litchfield Park Preparatory Academy –
b. Procurement Law and USFRCS Exceptions
6. Maricopa County Community College District – on behalf of Teacher Preparation Charter High School
7. Sierra Vista Charter School, Inc. – Change in number of instructional days.
8. Phoenix Collegiate Academy, Inc. – Adding grade levels.
I. Strategic Planning – Discussion and possible action on the proposed mission and goals for the Board as developed by the Strategic Planning Team. 

J. Charter Renewal Application – Discussion and possible action on the renewal application for the following:

K. Transfer of Charter Contract – Discussion and possible action on the request to transfer the charter contract for Employ-Ability Unlimited, Inc. from the State Board of Education to the State Board for Charter Schools. 

L. Charter Amendment - Discussion and possible action on the request for the addition of grade levels to Park View School, Inc.

1. The Board will receive information to determine whether evidence exists that the US Mental Math Federation Incorp is in breach of one or more provisions of its charter contract, federal, state, or local laws regarding failure to provide the minimum days of instruction pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(E)(9), failing to properly implement the AIMS Test in the Spring of 2010 pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(E)(4), and failing to submit an annual financial audit reporting package for FY 2010 pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(E)(6).
If the Board determines that a breach may have occurred, the Board may take action as it deems appropriate or necessary under state law, which may include issuing a notice of intent to revoke the charter pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(I).
2. The Board will receive information to determine whether evidence exists that Global Education Foundation, Inc. is in breach of one or more provisions of its charter contract, federal, state, or local laws regarding failure to follow Classroom Site Fund requirements as outlined in A.R.S. § 15-977. If the Board determines that a breach may have occurred the Board may take action as it deems appropriate or necessary under state law, which may include but is not limited to issuance of a Notice of Intent to Revoke the Charter pursuant to A.R.S. § 15-183(I).