Regular Session - May 11, 2020

Add to Calendar 2020-05-11 09:15:00 2020-05-11 09:15:00 Regular Session - May 11, 2020 Meeting SummaryMeeting Recording - Next to each agenda item is the time that agenda item begins in the YouTube recording.ARIZONA STATE BOARD FOR CHARTER SCHOOLSVIRTUAL MEETINGAccessing the Board Meeting:To watch the Board meeting via computer or a smartphone with a data plan:Click on the following link:…;OROpen a web browser on your device (Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox).Then, type or copy the above link into the address or search bar on your browser and press “Enter”.To listen via phone (Please ensure your phone is muted during the meeting):Dial  +1 346 248 7799 (United States)When prompted enter the following Meeting ID#:  935 9424 5247For additional information on how to access the board meeting, please download the Notice and AgendaMonday, May 11, 2020 Regular Session9:00 AMNOTICE AND AGENDA - *REVISED - Please note this file is too large to view from the link; therefore, please download the file.A. Pledge of Allegiance - YouTube at 2:19B. Moment of Silence - YouTube at 2:42C. Roll Call - YouTube at 2:56D. Superintendent’s Report - Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education - YouTube at 6:14E. Executive Director’s Report - YouTube at 14:23Status of Board actions and legal mattersUpdate on Vision Charter School, Inc.Update on School Closures and the Board’s Response*Update on the Financial Performance Framework for Fiscal Year 2019 and Fiscal Year 2020F. Call to the Public - YouTube at 19:30This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.All public comments for the meeting will be accepted in written form only. All public comments are due to Board staff by Friday, May 8, 2020 at noon. Public comments will not be orally read into the record but will be posted publicly in the Board materials located on the Board’s website by end of business on Friday, May 8th.Two ways to submit written comment:Via Email: [email protected] Postal Service: P.O. Box 18328, Phoenix, Arizona 85005Please note that USPS mail takes time to be delivered. Please plan accordingly to make the noon deadline on May 8, 2020.G. Consent Agenda - All items on this agenda will be considered by a single motion with no discussion, unless requested otherwise by a board member. - YouTube at 20:12Approval of Meeting Minutes from the Charter Board’s meeting on February 10, 2020.Consideration to approve the proposed Surrender and Charter Termination Agreement for the following charter holders:Arts Academy of Scottsdale, Inc.*Create AcademyFoothills AcademyMontessori House, Inc. d.b.a. Lehi MontessoriCharter Amendments - Consideration to approve amendment requests from the following charter holders:Archway Classical Academy Glendale — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataArizona Connections Academy Charter School – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsArizona Connections Academy Charter School — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsADE School Report Card DataAmerican Virtual Academy – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsFlagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsGeorge Gervin Youth Center, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsGlendale Preparatory Academy — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataHighland Free School Fund, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsIntegrated Education Foundation, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsOmega Alpha Academy – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsMountain Oak School, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsPensar Academy – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsPima Prevention Partnership Entity ID 79959 – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsPima Prevention Partnership Entity ID 89864 – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsPima Prevention Partnership Entity ID 90536 – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsSanta Cruz Valley Opportunities in Education, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsSuccess School – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsTrivium Preparatory Academy — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataValor Preparatory Academy, LLC – Charter Holder Governance RequestExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsVeritas Preparatory Academy — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataVista College Preparatory, Inc. — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsH. Charter Amendments - Discussion and possible action on amendment requests from the following charter holder: YouTube at 32:37Anthem Preparatory Academy — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataArchway Classical Academy Trivium West — New School and Enrollment CapExecutive SummaryAmendment Requests and Support MaterialsAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataHighland Prep — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsADE School Report Card DataSynergy Public School — Grade Level Change and Enrollment CapExecutive SummaryAmendment Requests and Support MaterialsADE School Report Card DataThe Grande Innovation Academy — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsADE School Report Card DataThe Paideia Academies, Inc. — Enrollment Cap IncreaseExecutive SummaryAmendment Request and Support MaterialsADE School Report Card DataI. Charter Renewal - Discussion and possible action on renewal application packages from the following charter holders: YouTube at 1:21:20Chandler Preparatory AcademyExecutive SummaryRenewal Application PackageRenewal Summary ReviewAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataAcademic Systems Review ReportDesert Sky Community School, Inc.Executive SummaryRenewal Application PackageRenewal Summary ReviewADE School Report Card DataAcademic Systems Review ReportImagine Charter Elementary at Camelback, Inc.Executive SummaryRenewal Application PackageRenewal Summary ReviewAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataAcademic Systems Review ReportImagine Charter Elementary at Desert West, Inc.Executive SummaryRenewal Application PackageRenewal Summary ReviewAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataAcademic Systems Review ReportImagine Middle at East Mesa, Inc.Executive SummaryRenewal Application PackageRenewal Summary ReviewAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataAcademic Systems Review ReportImagine Middle at Surprise, Inc.Executive SummaryRenewal Application PackageRenewal Summary ReviewAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataAcademic Systems Review ReportLegacy Traditional School - MaricopaExecutive SummaryRenewal Application PackageRenewal Summary ReviewAssociated SchoolsADE School Report Card DataAcademic Systems Review ReportVilla Montessori, Inc.Executive SummaryRenewal Application PackageRenewal Summary ReviewADE School Report Card DataAcademic Systems Review ReportJ. Letter Grade Consent Agreement – Discussion and possible action on proposed revisions to the Letter Grade consent agreement used in the procedural steps for restoring or revoking charters that operate charter schools that have been assigned an FY 2019 letter grade of “F” by the Arizona Department of Education. - YouTube at 2:16:40K. Audit Guidelines and Compliance Questionnaires for 2020 – Discussion and possible action on revisions to the Audit Guidelines, Legal Compliance Questionnaire, USFRCS Compliance Questionnaire and Procurement Compliance Questionnaire for 2020. - YouTube at 2:23:23L. Charter Board Meeting Dates and Deadlines for 2020 - Discussion and possible action on revisions to the Charter Board Meeting Dates and Deadlines for 2020. - YouTube at 2:30:15M. ASBCS Rural & Tribal Schools Committee - Discussion and possible action on the approval of the ASBCS Rural & Tribal Schools Committee to focus on rural and tribal schools in the ASBCS portfolio. - YouTube at 2:37:11N. Summary of Current Events, Future Meeting Dates and Items for Future Agendas - The executive director, presiding officer or a member of the Board may present a brief summary of current events pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.02(K) and may discuss future meeting dates and direct staff to place matters on a future agenda. The Board will not discuss or take action on any current event summary. - YouTube at 2:42:41O. Adjournment Location Agency Platform - Standard [email protected] America/Phoenix public

Meeting Summary

Meeting Recording - Next to each agenda item is the time that agenda item begins in the YouTube recording.



Accessing the Board Meeting:

To watch the Board meeting via computer or a smartphone with a data plan:

Click on the following link:…;


Open a web browser on your device (Google Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox).

Then, type or copy the above link into the address or search bar on your browser and press “Enter”.

To listen via phone (Please ensure your phone is muted during the meeting):

Dial  +1 346 248 7799 (United States)

When prompted enter the following Meeting ID#:  935 9424 5247

For additional information on how to access the board meeting, please download the Notice and Agenda

Monday, May 11, 2020 Regular Session

9:00 AM

NOTICE AND AGENDA - *REVISED - Please note this file is too large to view from the link; therefore, please download the file.

A. Pledge of Allegiance - YouTube at 2:19

B. Moment of Silence - YouTube at 2:42

C. Roll Call - YouTube at 2:56

D. Superintendent’s Report - Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education - YouTube at 6:14

E. Executive Director’s Report - YouTube at 14:23

  1. Status of Board actions and legal matters
    1. Update on Vision Charter School, Inc.
    2. Update on School Closures and the Board’s Response
    3. *Update on the Financial Performance Framework for Fiscal Year 2019 and Fiscal Year 2020

F. Call to the Public - YouTube at 19:30

This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.

All public comments for the meeting will be accepted in written form only. All public comments are due to Board staff by Friday, May 8, 2020 at noon. Public comments will not be orally read into the record but will be posted publicly in the Board materials located on the Board’s website by end of business on Friday, May 8th.

Two ways to submit written comment:

  • Via Email: [email protected]
  • Via Postal Service: P.O. Box 18328, Phoenix, Arizona 85005
    • Please note that USPS mail takes time to be delivered. Please plan accordingly to make the noon deadline on May 8, 2020.

G. Consent Agenda - All items on this agenda will be considered by a single motion with no discussion, unless requested otherwise by a board member. - YouTube at 20:12

  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes from the Charter Board’s meeting on February 10, 2020.
  2. Consideration to approve the proposed Surrender and Charter Termination Agreement for the following charter holders:
    1. Arts Academy of Scottsdale, Inc.
    2. *Create Academy
    3. Foothills Academy
    4. Montessori House, Inc. d.b.a. Lehi Montessori
  3. Charter Amendments - Consideration to approve amendment requests from the following charter holders:
    1. Archway Classical Academy Glendale — Enrollment Cap Increase
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
      3. Associated Schools
      4. ADE School Report Card Data
    2. Arizona Connections Academy Charter School – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    3. Arizona Connections Academy Charter School — Enrollment Cap Increase
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
      3. ADE School Report Card Data
    4. American Virtual Academy – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    5. Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    6. George Gervin Youth Center, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    7. Glendale Preparatory Academy — Enrollment Cap Increase
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
      3. Associated Schools
      4. ADE School Report Card Data
    8. Highland Free School Fund, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    9. Integrated Education Foundation, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    10. Omega Alpha Academy – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    11. Mountain Oak School, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    12. Pensar Academy – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    13. Pima Prevention Partnership Entity ID 79959 – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    14. Pima Prevention Partnership Entity ID 89864 – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    15. Pima Prevention Partnership Entity ID 90536 – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    16. Santa Cruz Valley Opportunities in Education, Inc. – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    17. Success School – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    18. Trivium Preparatory Academy — Enrollment Cap Increase
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
      3. Associated Schools
      4. ADE School Report Card Data
    19. Valor Preparatory Academy, LLC – Charter Holder Governance Request
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    20. Veritas Preparatory Academy — Enrollment Cap Increase
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
      3. Associated Schools
      4. ADE School Report Card Data
    21. Vista College Preparatory, Inc. — Enrollment Cap Increase
      1. Executive Summary
      2. Amendment Request and Support Materials

H. Charter Amendments - Discussion and possible action on amendment requests from the following charter holder: YouTube at 32:37

  1. Anthem Preparatory Academy — Enrollment Cap Increase
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    3. Associated Schools
    4. ADE School Report Card Data
  2. Archway Classical Academy Trivium West — New School and Enrollment Cap
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Amendment Requests and Support Materials
    3. Associated Schools
    4. ADE School Report Card Data
  3. Highland Prep — Enrollment Cap Increase
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    3. ADE School Report Card Data
  4. Synergy Public School — Grade Level Change and Enrollment Cap
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Amendment Requests and Support Materials
    3. ADE School Report Card Data
  5. The Grande Innovation Academy — Enrollment Cap Increase
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    3. ADE School Report Card Data
  6. The Paideia Academies, Inc. — Enrollment Cap Increase
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Amendment Request and Support Materials
    3. ADE School Report Card Data

I. Charter Renewal - Discussion and possible action on renewal application packages from the following charter holders: YouTube at 1:21:20

  1. Chandler Preparatory Academy
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Renewal Application Package
    3. Renewal Summary Review
    4. Associated Schools
    5. ADE School Report Card Data
    6. Academic Systems Review Report
  2. Desert Sky Community School, Inc.
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Renewal Application Package
    3. Renewal Summary Review
    4. ADE School Report Card Data
    5. Academic Systems Review Report
  3. Imagine Charter Elementary at Camelback, Inc.
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Renewal Application Package
    3. Renewal Summary Review
    4. Associated Schools
    5. ADE School Report Card Data
    6. Academic Systems Review Report
  4. Imagine Charter Elementary at Desert West, Inc.
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Renewal Application Package
    3. Renewal Summary Review
    4. Associated Schools
    5. ADE School Report Card Data
    6. Academic Systems Review Report
  5. Imagine Middle at East Mesa, Inc.
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Renewal Application Package
    3. Renewal Summary Review
    4. Associated Schools
    5. ADE School Report Card Data
    6. Academic Systems Review Report
  6. Imagine Middle at Surprise, Inc.
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Renewal Application Package
    3. Renewal Summary Review
    4. Associated Schools
    5. ADE School Report Card Data
    6. Academic Systems Review Report
  7. Legacy Traditional School - Maricopa
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Renewal Application Package
    3. Renewal Summary Review
    4. Associated Schools
    5. ADE School Report Card Data
    6. Academic Systems Review Report
  8. Villa Montessori, Inc.
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Renewal Application Package
    3. Renewal Summary Review
    4. ADE School Report Card Data
    5. Academic Systems Review Report

J. Letter Grade Consent Agreement – Discussion and possible action on proposed revisions to the Letter Grade consent agreement used in the procedural steps for restoring or revoking charters that operate charter schools that have been assigned an FY 2019 letter grade of “F” by the Arizona Department of Education. - YouTube at 2:16:40

K. Audit Guidelines and Compliance Questionnaires for 2020 – Discussion and possible action on revisions to the Audit Guidelines, Legal Compliance Questionnaire, USFRCS Compliance Questionnaire and Procurement Compliance Questionnaire for 2020. - YouTube at 2:23:23

L. Charter Board Meeting Dates and Deadlines for 2020 - Discussion and possible action on revisions to the Charter Board Meeting Dates and Deadlines for 2020. - YouTube at 2:30:15

M. ASBCS Rural & Tribal Schools Committee - Discussion and possible action on the approval of the ASBCS Rural & Tribal Schools Committee to focus on rural and tribal schools in the ASBCS portfolio. - YouTube at 2:37:11

N. Summary of Current Events, Future Meeting Dates and Items for Future Agendas - The executive director, presiding officer or a member of the Board may present a brief summary of current events pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.02(K) and may discuss future meeting dates and direct staff to place matters on a future agenda. The Board will not discuss or take action on any current event summary. - YouTube at 2:42:41

O. Adjournment