Regular Session - April 11, 2011
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2011-04-11 13:00:00
2011-04-11 13:00:00
Regular Session - April 11, 2011
NOTICE AND AGENDA A. Pledge of AllegianceB. Moment of SilenceC. Roll CallD. Call to the Public E. Arizona Charter Schools Association Update – Eileen Sigmund F. Superintendent’s Report – Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education. G. Executive Director’s Report – Introduction to the agenda items—Discussion and possible action: 1. Status of charters with previous and/or on-going board actions: Back-to-Basics School, Inc., Gila Educational Group, Global Education Foundation, Inc., Legacy Schools, Scottsdale Horizons Charter School, US Mental Math Federation Incorp.2. Update on the web-based new charter application process3. Budget Update4. Development of Early Renewal Policy H. Consent Agenda 1. Consideration to approve charter holder amendment requests.a. Gila Educational Group – Change in number of instructional daysb. Haven Montessori Children’s House, Inc. – Adding Grade Levelsc. Leading Edge Academy Maricopa –Adding Grade Levelsd. RSD Charter School, Inc. – Change in Missione. The Odyssey Preparatory Academy, Inc. – Change in Number of Instructional Days 2. Consideration to approve the request for charter renewal and grant a renewal contract to the following charter holders:a. Accelerated Learning Center, Inc.b. Humanities and Sciences Academy of the United States, Inc.c. International Commerce Secondary Schools, Inc.d. Montessori Schoolhouse of Tucson, Inc. I. Charter Renewal Application – Discussion and possible action on the renewal application for Hermosa Montessori Charter School, Inc. J. Transfer/Assignment of Charter Contract – Discussion and possible action on the request to transfer/assign the charter contract for Friendly House, Inc. from the State Board of Education to the State Board for Charter Schools. K. Charter Replication Application – Discussion and possible action on the replication application and request for a charter submitted for the following: Legacy Traditional Charter School for the operation of Legacy Traditional Charter School – Athlos Academy.Legacy Traditional Charter School for the operation of Legacy Traditional Charter School – Avondale.Legacy Traditional Charter School for the operation of Legacy Traditional Charter School – Marana. L. Compliance Matters – Discussion and possible action. The Board will receive information to determine whether evidence exists that the following schools are in breach of one or more provisions of their charter contract, federal, state, or local laws regarding their failure to submit the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010 annual financial single audit in accordance with A.R.S. 15-183(E)(6). If the Board determines that a breach may have occurred, the Board may take action as it deems appropriate or necessary under state law A.R.S. 15-185(H) by withholding of up to 10% of the monthly apportionment of state aid and requiring a corrective action plan. First Year Latea. Aprender Tucsonb. Camelback Education, Inc.c. El Centro for the Study of Primary and Secondary Educationd. Harvest Power Community Development Group, Inc.e. Legacy Schoolsf. Westwind Children’s Services Second Consecutive Year Latea. Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc. Third Consecutive Year Latea. Legacy Education Group M. Board Comments and Future Meeting Dates – The executive director, presiding officer or a member of the Board may present a brief summary of current events pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K) and may discuss future meeting dates and direct staff to place matters on a future agenda. The Board will not discuss or take action on any current event summary. N. Adjournment
Agency Platform - Standard
[email protected]
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Moment of Silence
C. Roll Call
F. Superintendent’s Report – Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education. 

1. Status of charters with previous and/or on-going board actions: Back-to-Basics School, Inc., Gila Educational Group, Global Education Foundation, Inc., Legacy Schools, Scottsdale Horizons Charter School, US Mental Math Federation Incorp.
2. Update on the web-based new charter application process
3. Budget Update
4. Development of Early Renewal Policy
1. Consideration to approve charter holder amendment requests.
a. Gila Educational Group – Change in number of instructional days
b. Haven Montessori Children’s House, Inc. – Adding Grade Levels
c. Leading Edge Academy Maricopa –Adding Grade Levels
d. RSD Charter School, Inc. – Change in Mission
e. The Odyssey Preparatory Academy, Inc. – Change in Number of Instructional Days
2. Consideration to approve the request for charter renewal and grant a renewal contract to the following charter holders:
I. Charter Renewal Application – Discussion and possible action on the renewal application for Hermosa Montessori Charter School, Inc. 

J. Transfer/Assignment of Charter Contract – Discussion and possible action on the request to transfer/assign the charter contract for Friendly House, Inc. from the State Board of Education to the State Board for Charter Schools. 

K. Charter Replication Application – Discussion and possible action on the replication application and request for a charter submitted for the following: 

- Legacy Traditional Charter School for the operation of Legacy Traditional Charter School – Athlos Academy.
- Legacy Traditional Charter School for the operation of Legacy Traditional Charter School – Avondale.
- Legacy Traditional Charter School for the operation of Legacy Traditional Charter School – Marana.
L. Compliance Matters – Discussion and possible action. 

The Board will receive information to determine whether evidence exists that the following schools are in breach of one or more provisions of their charter contract, federal, state, or local laws regarding their failure to submit the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010 annual financial single audit in accordance with A.R.S. 15-183(E)(6).
If the Board determines that a breach may have occurred, the Board may take action as it deems appropriate or necessary under state law A.R.S. 15-185(H) by withholding of up to 10% of the monthly apportionment of state aid and requiring a corrective action plan.
First Year Late
a. Aprender Tucson
b. Camelback Education, Inc.
c. El Centro for the Study of Primary and Secondary Education
d. Harvest Power Community Development Group, Inc.
e. Legacy Schools
f. Westwind Children’s Services
Second Consecutive Year Late
a. Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc.
Third Consecutive Year Late
a. Legacy Education Group
M. Board Comments and Future Meeting Dates – The executive director, presiding officer or a member of the Board may present a brief summary of current events pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K) and may discuss future meeting dates and direct staff to place matters on a future agenda. The Board will not discuss or take action on any current event summary.