Academic Performance

Academic Performance Framework and Guidance

A.R.S. §15-183(R) requires each charter school sponsor to adopt a performance framework and ground its actions in evidence of the charter holder’s performance in accordance with the performance framework. Statute requires the performance framework to include the academic performance expectations of the charter school and the measurement of sufficient progress toward the academic performance expectations. In October 2012, the Board adopted its Academic Performance Framework and Guidance (“academic framework”). The purpose of the academic framework is to communicate the Board’s academic expectations for ensuring that all charter holders in its portfolio are providing a learning environment where measurable improvement in pupil achievement can be demonstrated. The academic framework also describes how the Board utilizes information concerning a charter holder’s performance and the Board’s academic interventions for charter holders who do not meet its academic performance expectations. For additional information, see the “Academic Interventions” and “Reviews” tabs. The current version of the Board’s academic framework is included below.

View Academic Performance Framework and Guidance Revised October 16, 2023

Accessing Academic Performance Dashboards

Each charter school’s academic performance as evaluated using the academic framework is represented in a dashboard and may be accessed through ASBCS Online. Authorized charter representatives may also access the academic dashboard once they have logged in to ASBCS Online.

View Accessing Academic Performance Dashboards


An evaluation is conducted annually to determine if the Charter Holder meets or is making sufficient progress toward the academic performance expectations set forth in the Board's academic performance framework. A Charter Holder that does not receive an Overall Rating of “Meets Standard,” “Above Standard” or “Exceeds Standard” in the most recent fiscal year that State achievement profiles are available for all schools operated by the Charter Holder does not meet the Board’s academic performance expectations and is required to demonstrate sufficient progress and/or submit a copy of the school improvement plan to the Board.

Demonstrating Sufficient Progress Toward the Board’s Academic Performance Expectations

A Charter Holder that has one or more schools that receive an Overall Rating of “Does Not Meet Standard” or “Falls Far Below Standard” for three consecutive years has failed to demonstrate sufficient progress. In its determination of whether a Charter Holder demonstrates sufficient progress toward the Board’s academic performance expectations, the Board will consider the Overall Rating for each of the schools it operates for the three most recent years that Overall Ratings are available and whether or not there has been improvement in the measures used to determine the Overall Rating.