Wendy Miller

Wendy Miller is the CEO & Principal of Challenge Charter School in Glendale, Arizona. As a National Blue
Ribbon School and a Center for Education Reform (CER) National Charter School of the Year, Challenge
has received numerous other local, state, and national recognitions for exceptional academic growth, as
well as for civic engagement in the community. Founded by Wendy’s family in 1996, Challenge was part
of the nation’s first bond pool for charter school facility financing, opening doors for others that have
followed. As an early leader in the industry, this was just one of the groundbreaking changes that helped
empower others as the movement has grown.
Beyond the campus, Wendy maintains an active voice in education reform and policy through grassroots
advocacy and serves on the Arizona Business and Education Coalition (ABEC) Board. She holds a
Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science from Northern Arizona University and an MBA from the
W.P. Carey program at Arizona State University including an international studies program. She is
passionate about putting each child first, above all other agendas, empowering parents and teachers,
and expanding student opportunities thru innovation.