Regular Session - March 14, 2016
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2016-03-14 14:15:00
2016-03-14 14:15:00
Regular Session - March 14, 2016
ARIZONA STATE BOARD FOR CHARTER SCHOOLS1616 West Adams Street, Suite 170Phoenix, Arizona 85007The Board's meeting room is located in the State Land Department building.Access open parking east of the church on the southeast corner of 16th Avenue and Monroeand in the visitor parking on the northwest corner of 16th Avenue and Monroe.Monday, March 14, 2016Regular Session9:00 AM NOTICE AND AGENDAPledge of AllegianceMoment of SilenceRoll CallCall to the Public – This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.Arizona Charter Schools Association Update on Charters Changing Lives, Charters at the Capitol and Accountability Advocacy – Eileen Sigmund, President and CEO and Dr. Ildi Laczko-Kerr, Vice President of Academics Arizona Alternative Education Consortium Update on the Value of Alternative Education & Research Update – Binky Michele Jones, President Presentation by A for Arizona ‘A’ School Leaders about Alta Vista High School – Alicia Alvarez, School Leader Superintendent’s Report – Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education. Executive Director’s Report – Introduction to the agenda items—Discussion and possible action: Status of charters with previous and/or on-going board actions: Founding Fathers Academies, Inc.; El Centro for the Study of Primary and Secondary Education; Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc.; StrengthBuilding PartnersLegislative UpdateSubcommittee UpdateRecognition of Dr. Peter Bezanson for his serviceConsent Agenda – All items on this agenda will be considered by a single motion with no discussion, unless requested otherwise by a board member. Consideration to approve the request for charter renewal and grant a renewal contract to the following: American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Crestview College Preparatory High SchoolAmerican Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Desert Hills High SchoolAmerican Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Estrella High SchoolAmerican Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Peoria Accelerated High SchoolAmerican Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. West Phoenix High SchoolCambridge Academy East, Inc.Kaizen Education Foundation dba Skyview High SchoolKaizen Education Foundation dba Vista Grove Preparatory Academy Elementary SchoolKaizen Education Foundation dba Vista Grove Preparatory Academy Middle SchoolConsideration to approve charter holder amendment requests for the following: Academy of Excellence, Inc. – Procurement Laws ExceptionCollaborative Pathways, Inc. – USFRCS ExceptionCreate Academy – Procurement Laws ExceptionECA – Arizona, Inc. – Instructional DaysEl Pueblo Integral – Teaching & Learning Collaborative (91959)– Procurement Laws & USFRCS ExceptionsEthos Academy: A Challenge Foundation Academy – Procurement Laws & USFRCS ExceptionsOmbudsman Educational Services, Ltd., a subsidiary of Educational Services of America (4323) – Program of InstructionCharter RenewalDiscussion and possible action on the renewal application package for the following Charter Holders operating Alternative High SchoolsAmerican Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Apache Trail High School American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Sun Valley High SchoolKaizen Education Foundation d.b.a. Maya High School Kaizen Education Foundation d.b.a. Summit High School Kaizen Education Foundation d.b.a. Tempe Accelerated High School Discussion and possible action on the renewal application package for the following Charter Holders operating Elementary SchoolsKaizen Education Foundation Kaizen Education Foundation d.b.a. Liberty Arts Academy Pursuant to 38-431.03 (A)(2) the Board may vote to go into Executive Session, which will not be open to the public, for discussion or consideration of records exempt by law from public inspection, including the receipt and discussion of information or testimony that is specifically required to be maintained as confidential by state or federal law.Proposed Revisions – Discussion and possible action regarding revisions to the Academic Performance Framework and the use of the Performance Management Plan in FY 2016 Summary of Current Events, Future Meeting Dates and Items for Future Agendas – The executive director, presiding officer or a member of the Board may present a brief summary of current events pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K) and may discuss future meeting dates and direct staff to place matters on a future agenda. The Board will not discuss or take action on any current event summary. Adjournment
Agency Platform - Standard
[email protected]
1616 West Adams Street, Suite 170
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
The Board's meeting room is located in the State Land Department building.
Access open parking east of the church on the southeast corner of 16th Avenue and Monroe
and in the visitor parking on the northwest corner of 16th Avenue and Monroe.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Regular Session
9:00 AM
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Moment of Silence
- Roll Call
- Call to the Public – This is the time for the public to comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not specifically identified on the agenda. Therefore, pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.01(H), action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter, responding to any criticism, or scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.
- Arizona Charter Schools Association Update on Charters Changing Lives, Charters at the Capitol and Accountability Advocacy – Eileen Sigmund, President and CEO and Dr. Ildi Laczko-Kerr, Vice President of Academics
- Arizona Alternative Education Consortium Update on the Value of Alternative Education & Research Update – Binky Michele Jones, President
- Presentation by A for Arizona ‘A’ School Leaders about Alta Vista High School – Alicia Alvarez, School Leader
- Superintendent’s Report – Update on current events and/or activities of the Department of Education.
- Executive Director’s Report – Introduction to the agenda items—Discussion and possible action:
- Status of charters with previous and/or on-going board actions: Founding Fathers Academies, Inc.; El Centro for the Study of Primary and Secondary Education; Luz Academy of Tucson, Inc.; StrengthBuilding Partners
- Legislative Update
- Subcommittee Update
- Recognition of Dr. Peter Bezanson for his service
- Consent Agenda – All items on this agenda will be considered by a single motion with no discussion, unless requested otherwise by a board member.
- Consideration to approve the request for charter renewal and grant a renewal contract to the following:
- American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Crestview College Preparatory High School
- American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Desert Hills High School
- American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Estrella High School
- American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Peoria Accelerated High School
- American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. West Phoenix High School
- Cambridge Academy East, Inc.
- Kaizen Education Foundation dba Skyview High School
- Kaizen Education Foundation dba Vista Grove Preparatory Academy Elementary School
- Kaizen Education Foundation dba Vista Grove Preparatory Academy Middle School
- Consideration to approve charter holder amendment requests for the following:
- Academy of Excellence, Inc. – Procurement Laws Exception
- Collaborative Pathways, Inc. – USFRCS Exception
- Create Academy – Procurement Laws Exception
- ECA – Arizona, Inc. – Instructional Days
- El Pueblo Integral – Teaching & Learning Collaborative (91959)– Procurement Laws & USFRCS Exceptions
- Ethos Academy: A Challenge Foundation Academy – Procurement Laws & USFRCS Exceptions
- Ombudsman Educational Services, Ltd., a subsidiary of Educational Services of America (4323) – Program of Instruction
- Consideration to approve the request for charter renewal and grant a renewal contract to the following:
- Charter Renewal
- Discussion and possible action on the renewal application package for the following Charter Holders operating Alternative High Schools
- American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Apache Trail High School
- American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Sun Valley High School
- Kaizen Education Foundation d.b.a. Maya High School
- Kaizen Education Foundation d.b.a. Summit High School
- Kaizen Education Foundation d.b.a. Tempe Accelerated High School
- American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Apache Trail High School
- Discussion and possible action on the renewal application package for the following Charter Holders operating Elementary Schools
- Discussion and possible action on the renewal application package for the following Charter Holders operating Alternative High Schools
Pursuant to 38-431.03 (A)(2) the Board may vote to go into Executive Session, which will not be open to the public, for discussion or consideration of records exempt by law from public inspection, including the receipt and discussion of information or testimony that is specifically required to be maintained as confidential by state or federal law.
- Proposed Revisions – Discussion and possible action regarding revisions to the Academic Performance Framework and the use of the Performance Management Plan in FY 2016
- Summary of Current Events, Future Meeting Dates and Items for Future Agendas – The executive director, presiding officer or a member of the Board may present a brief summary of current events pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.02(K) and may discuss future meeting dates and direct staff to place matters on a future agenda. The Board will not discuss or take action on any current event summary.
- Adjournment